职 称:讲师
邮 箱:wshitong00@163.com
王诗桐,女,中共党员,1991年生,2023年3月于浙江大学获工学博士学位。主要研究方向为随机机械系统的建模与控制、随机系统的稳定性分析、自适应控制以及输出调节控制。在IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs、Journal of The Franklin Institute、Systems & Control Letters等期刊发表多篇SCI收录的论文。参与2项国家自然科学基金。
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目: OU随机系统的建模与控制:从噪声模拟到能量整形 (2017.01-2020.12)参与
2.国家自然科学基金青年基金: 随机机械系统的建模和控制问题 (2016.01-2018.12) 参与
1. S. T. Wang, Z.-G. Wu, P. Shi and Z. J. Wu. Asynchronous control for discrete-time Markovian jump systems with multiplicative noise. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023, 70(7), 2480-2484.
2. S. T. Wang, Z.-G. Wu and Z. J. Wu. Output regulation control for stochastic systems with additive noise. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2023, 360, 8614-8632.
3. S. T. Wang, Z.-G. Wu and Z. J. Wu. Asynchronous output regulation control for continues-time Markovian jump systems with colored-noise. Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2023, 36, 1463-1479.
4. S. T. Wang, Z. J. Wu and Z.-G. Wu. The regulation controller design for linear random systems with an uncertain exosystem. Systems & Control Letters, 2022, 161, 105150.
5. S. T. Wang, Z. J. Wu and Z.-G. Wu. Trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection control of random linear systems. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2022, 359(9), 4433-4448.
6. Z. J. Wu, S. T. Wang and M. Y. Cui. Tracking controller design for random nonlinear benchmark system. Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2017, 354(1), 360-371.