职 称:教授
邮 箱:jinfengfei@amss.ac.cn
金凤飞,男,1983年生,2011年7月取得中科院数学院运筹学与控制论方向博士学位。2015年9月起在bevictor伟德数学院工作。主要从事分布参数系统镇定及输出调节问题的研究,研究成果在Automatica、IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control控制顶刊上发表论文10篇,在其他杂志发表4篇。先后主持国家级科研项目2项。
1.国家自然科学基金天元专项项目:边界控制输入含外部干扰的Euler-Bernoulli梁方程的输出反馈镇定研究 (2014.1.1-2014.12.31) 主持
2.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:外在干扰下弹性振动网络系统的镇定研究 (2016.1.1-2019.12.31) 主持
1. W. Guo and F.F. Jin, Adaptive error feedback regulator design for 1 D heat equation, Automatica, 113(2020), 108810.
2. W. Guo and F.F. Jin, Adaptive error feedback regulator design for 1D heat equation with unknown harmonic disturbance anti-collocated with control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(2020), 824-830.
3. F.F. Jin and W. Guo, Boundary state feedback exponential stabilization for a one-dimensional wave equation with velocity recirculation, Automatica, 113(2020), 108796.
4. F.F. Jin and B.Z. Guo, Boundary output tracking for an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with unmatched perturbations from a known exosystem, Automatica, 109(2019), 108507.
5. F.F. Jin and B.Z. Guo, Performance boundary output tracking for one-dimensional heat equation with boundary unmatched disturbance, Automatica, 96(2018),1-10.
6. F.F. Jin and B.Z. Guo, Lyapunov approach to output feedback stabilization for Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with boundary, Automatica, 52(2015), 95-102.
7. B.Z. Guo and F.F. Jin, Output feedback stabilization for one-dimensional wave equation subject to boundary disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(2015), 824-830.
8. B.Z. Guo and F.F. Jin, The active disturbance rejection and sliding mode control approach to the stabilization of Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with boundary input disturbance, Automatica, 49(2013), 2911-2918.
9. B.Z. Guo and F.F. Jin, Sliding mode and active disturbance rejection control to stabilization of one-dimensional anti-stable wave equations subject to disturbance in boundary input, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(2013), 1269-1274.
10. B.Z. Guo and F.F. Jin, Arbitrary decay rate for two connected strings with joint anti-damping by boundary output feedback, Automatica, 46(2010),1203-1209.