职 称:教授 博士生导师
邮 箱:zhongzee@163.com
杨泽忠,1968年生,博士,教授,博士生导师。研究领域主要集中在数学学习、数学教学和中国明清时期数学史三个方面。长期给学生讲授数学教学论、数学学习理论和数学史等方面的课程。迄今在国内外学术期刊发表专业研究论文200余篇(其中包括SSCI、SCI、EI和CSSCI论文40余篇),主持或参与国家级和省部级项目多项,在国际和国内出版社出版学术著作10余部,担任中国数学史学会和山东省自然辩证法学会理事和常务理事。近几年致力于国际数学教育研究交流与合作,曾作为高级访问学者到美国特拉华大学(University of Delaware)和加拿大的哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)进行访问,期间还短期访问普林斯顿大学、哈佛大学、纽约大学、西蒙菲莎大学的相关专业和参加有影响的国际学术会议(如美国的AERA年会和北美CAERDA年会)。在国内经常与高端数学教育平台交流,近几年推荐多名同学去985大学和中科院深造。
1. Zezhong Yang, Kai Wang, Yanqing Zhang, Guanggang Pei and Bin Xu (2021).The Emergence of Mathematical Understanding: Connecting to the Closest Superordinate and Convertible Concepts. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:525493. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.525493 (SSCI2)
2. Zezhong Yang , Yanqing Zhang, Kai Wang and Ming Zhu(2018). Connecting with Fundamental Mathematical Knowledge Directly: The Organizational features of Good Mathematical Cognitive Structure. Frontiers in Psychology. 9(12) (SSCI2)
3. Yang Z. Z., Zhu M., Qu Z. H., & Zhang Y. Q. (2018). Research on Organization of Mathematics Knowledge in Good Mathematical Cognitive Structure. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(1), 291-302. (SSCI3)
4. Yang Z. Z. and Qu Zh. h. (2018). The Organizational Features of Good Mathematical Cognitive Structure Based on the Flop-Map Method. International Journal of Psychology and Cognitive Science. 4(2), 67-74.
5. Zezhong Yang, Yanqing Zhang (2018). A Study of Good Mathematical Cognitive Structure Based on Flow-Map Method Taking Spatial Line as an Example. American Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. 5(3), 55-61.
6. Zezhong Yang; Yanqing Zhang; Kai Wang; Yufeng Guo (2019). Research on the Balancing Process of Good Mathematical Cognitive Structure Based on the Method of Network Analysis. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology,125(S2);95 (Abst.)(SCI2)
7. Yang Z. Z. & Wang T. (2017). Study on the data in Bi Li Si Xian Xin Biao. International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, 2(2), 26-30.
8. Yang Z. Z., Zhu M., & Sun D.D. (2017). The Organization of Knowledge in Good Mathematical Cognitives. CEPAL Review, 121, 2815-2837. (SSCI4)
9. Yang Z. Z., Wang T., Zhu M., & Qu Z. H. (2017). How Did Mathematics Postgraduates Obtain
Tacit Knowledge of Mathematical Problem Solving?. American Journal of Education and Learning, 2(2), 121-131.
10. Zezhong Yang; Kai Wang ; Yanqing Zhang; Yufeng Guo (2019).Research on the internal process of mathematical misunderstanding. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology,125(S2);97 (Abst.)(SCI 2)
11. Yang Z. Z., Du J. Zhang Y. Q., Zhu M. & Wang K. (2018). Research on the Training to Students in Mathematics Education Based on Core Literacy. American Journal of Educational Science . 4(2), 8-12.
12. Zezhong Yang, Jia Du, Hao Li (2018). Research on Cultivation of Education Master Candidates Based on Intuitive Imagination Training. International Journal of Education and Information Technology. 3(2), 24-30.
13. Zezhong Yang, Kai Wang, Yanqing Zhang (2019). How the Mathematics Knowledge Organized in Good Mathematical Cognitive Structure of High School Students? Basic& clinical Pharmacology &Toxicology, 124(3), 267-283 (Abst.)(SCI2)
14. Zezhong Yang, Ruixue Lu, Shanshan Wu. (2018).The Research on Cultivation of the Education Master Candidates Based on the Improvement of the Mathematical Operations Training Ability. American Journal of Educational Science . 4(3), 21-26.
15. 杨泽忠.数学教学基本原理与方法[M]. AKINIK PUBLICATIONS, 2019.
16. 杨泽忠.数学教育测量与评价[M]. AKINIK PUBLICATIONS, 2019.
17. Zezhong Yang. Research on Mathematics Teaching and Cultivation of Teaching Skills at Chinese Normal University. WERSER BOOKS, GERMANY, 2021