报告题目:Observability of finite labeled transition systems
报告摘要:Finite labeled transition systems are nondeterministic and non-total systems with finitely many inputs, states and outputs. They have importantapplications in model checking and automated analysis and synthesis of nonlinear control systems. This paper provides algorithms for verifying the observability of finite labeled transition systems in the so-called multiple-experiment case, the simple-experiment case, and the arbitrary-experiment case, respectively, where these algorithms run in exponential time, exponential time, and quartic polynomial time, respectively, and are more effective than the existing algorithms in the literature.
报告人简介:张奎泽,2009年-2014年分别获得哈尔滨工程大学学士学位和博士学位,并于2015年留校任教,并获得了2016届中国自动化协会(CAA)优秀博士论文提名奖,现为哈尔滨工程大学副教授,IEEE高级会员。分别在芬兰的University of TurkuTurku (2012.9-2013.9)和中国科学院 (2015.1-2015.10)担任访问学者、曾担任新加坡南洋理工大学项目专员 (2013.10-2014.10)、慕尼黑工业大学博士后 (2016.9-2017.8)、中国科学院博士后 (2015.11-2017.11),目前是瑞典 KTH Royal Institute of Technology的博士后。目前的研究方向包括形式化方法、布尔网络、离散时间系统。