报告题目:Fundamental Theorems of Invariant Theory for the Quantum General Linear Supergroup
报告摘要:The two pillars of classical invariant theory are the first fundamental theorem (FFT) and second fundamental theorem (SFT) of Weyl, which respectively give the generators and relations for the invariant subring of the polynomial ring under some group action. In this talk, we will give the non-commutative polynomial version of the invariant theory for the quantum general linear supergroup . We construct a non-commutative
-module superalgebra, in which the subalgebra of
-invariants is shown to be finitely generated. For this invariant subalgebra, we describe explicitly the generators and relations which respectively amount to the FFT and SFT. As application, this recovers relevant results for the quantum general linear group and the general linear superalgebra.