意大利拉奎拉大学Prof. Bruno Rubino学术报告预告
报告题目:Hybrid quantum-classical models for nano-sized semiconductor devices
报告摘要:In the modern semiconductor technology, the quantum effects play an important role in the functioning of the devices. To include such complex phenomena, quantum models must be employed, with a remarkable increasing of the computational costs.
Recently, following the experimental observation that quantum effects are localized in restricted zone of the device, some quantum-classical hybrid models have been introduced. In the hybrid framework, just a well localized (and usually small) part of the device is modeled as quantum, while the rest of the domain is treated classically.
The main diffcult is to establish a reasonable set of interface conditions. In the talk we present and compare two different approaches. In the first one, following the available literature, we introduce and discuss some sets physical-based interface conditions. In the second one, we derive a new intrinsic hybrid model, obtained modifying the Bohm potential [2], [3]. In this way, we do not need any interface condition and the existence of the hybrid solution is obtained as a limit of a suitably modifed quantum model [1], [4], [5].
[1] S. Chiarelli, F. Di Michele, and B. Rubino, A hybrid drift di_usion model:derivation, weak steady state solutions and simulations, Math. Appl., 1(2012), 37-55.
[2] F. Di Michele, P. Marcati, and B. Rubino, Steady states and interface trans-mission conditions for heterogeneous quantum classical 1-d hydrodynamic model of semiconductor devices, Physica D, 243 (2013), 1-13.
[3] F. Di Michele, P. Marcati, and B. Rubino, Stationary solution for transient quantum hydrodynamics with bohmenian-type boundary conditions,to appear on Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2017 (First online:15 May 2015).
[4] F. Di Michele, M. Mei, B. Rubino, and S. Sampalmieri, Solutions to hybrid quantum hydrodynamical model of semiconductors in bounded domain, to appear on International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling, 13,No. 6 (2016).
[5] F. Di Michele, M. Mei, B. Rubino, and S. Sampalmieri, Thermal equilibrium solution to new model of bipolar hybrid quantum hydrodynamics, in preparation.
发布时间:2016-06-07 点击量:190