报告题目:Recent Advances in Event-Triggered Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems
报告人:Distinguished Professor Qing-Long Han
报告摘要:Event-triggered consensus of multi-agent systems has attracted tremendous attention from both theoretical and practical perspectives due to the fact that it enables all agents eventually to reach an agreement upon a common quantity of interest while significantly alleviating utilization of communication and computation resources. This seminar talk will provide an overview of recent advances in event-triggered consensus of multi-agent systems. First, a basic framework of multi-agent event-triggered operational mechanisms is established. Second, representative results and methodologies reported in the literature are reviewed and some in-depth analysis is made on several event-triggered schemes, including event-based sampling schemes, model-based event-triggered schemes, sampled-data-based event-triggered schemes and self-triggered sampling schemes. Third, an example is outlined to show applicability of event-triggered consensus in distributed secondary control for active power sharing and frequency regulation in islanded microgrids. Finally, some challenging issues on event-triggered consensus are proposed for future research.
报告人简介:韩清龙教授(Professor Qing-Long Han),教育部长江学者讲座教授,IEEE Fellow(电气电子工程师协会会士),现为澳大利亚 墨尔本Swinburne University of Technology(斯威本科技大学)副校长和杰出教授。1997年3月于华东理工大学工业自动化专业获得博士学位。1997年9月至1998年12月在法国Université de Poitiers从事博士后研究,1999年1月至2001年8月在美国Southern Illinois University任研究助理教授,2001年9月至2014年12月在澳大利亚Central Queensland University任高级讲师、副教授、教授(讲座)和桂冠教授, 2007年3月至2014年12月任澳大利亚Central Queensland University高等教育部副部长(研究与创新)、智能与网络化系统科学研究中心主任。2015年1月至2016年4月在澳大利亚Griffith University 任教授(讲座)、科学学部副部长(研究)。2016年5月至今在澳大利亚Swinburne University of Technology任副校长和杰出教授。在IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuit Systems I: Regular Papers等国际重要刊物上发表了360篇论文,其中IEEE Transactions和Automatica论文147余篇。被SCI收录360篇,被国际学者SCI引用15024次,SCI他引13210次,SCI h-指数 (h-index): 69, 引用国家 30 余个。于2014年, 2015年, 2016年, 2018年及2019年入选Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) “高被引科学家”。曾担任IEEE工业电子学会网络控制系统及应用专委会主席(2014-2017)及IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics编委。目前担任IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Control Engineering Practice, Information Sciences及IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica编委。