报告题目:Peak algebra for combinatorial Hopf algebras
报 告 人:李舒啸,大连理工大学博士后
报告摘要:Using the character theory of combinatorial Hopf algebras, the classical Schur's Q functions and peak algebras can be viewed as the images of the unique Hopf morphism with special odd characters. In particular, they are the odd Hopf subalgebras of symmetric functions and quasi-symmetric functions. We propose a generalization of peak algebras to all combinatorial Hopf algebras via theta maps. We give explicit examples of tensor algebra, shuffle algebra, symmetric algebra and Malvenuto-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of permutations. This is a joint work with Farid Aliniaeifard.
报告地点:腾讯会议,ID:524 479 034