报告题目:Packing Feedback Arc Sets in Tournaments Exactly
报 告 人:陈旭瑾,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员
报告摘要:Let T be a tournament with a nonnegative integral weight function w defined on its arc set A(T). A subset F of arcs is called a feedback arc set (FAS) if T\F contains no directed cycles. A collection F of FAS's (with repetition allowed) is called an FAS packing if each arc a∈A(T) is used at most w(a) times by the members of F. In this talk, we present a characterization of all tournaments T with the property that, for every nonnegative integral weight function w defined on A(T), the minimum total weight of a directed cycle is equal to the maximum size of an FAS packing. (Joint work with Guoli Ding, Wenan Zang, and Qiulan Zhao.)
报告地点:腾讯会议,ID: 511 887 594