报告题目:A non-Stefan free boundary problem
报 告 人:王皓,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学
报告摘要:I will present a novel free boundary problem to model the movement of single species with a range boundary. The change of a free boundary is assumed to be influenced by the weighted total population inside the range boundary, which is described by an integro-differential equation. We prove that the new model is well posed and possesses steady state. The spreading speed of the model is smaller than that for the equivalent problem with a Stefan condition. While the classical Stefan condition categorizes asymptotic behavior via a spreading-vanishing dichotomy, the new model extends this dichotomy to a spreading-balancing-vanishing trichotomy. Our model allows both expansion and shrinking of the range boundary. These are newly discovered phenomena in free boundary problems of animal movement.
报告人简介:王皓,加拿大的阿尔伯塔大学的教授。他在化学计量模型、微生物学、生态毒理学、物种入侵、动物运动和传染病等领域取得了许多重大研究成果,发表SCI论文超过百篇,大部分成果发表在 SIAM J. Appl. Math., JDE, JMB, Nonlinearity, Journal of Nonlinear Science等国际著名期刊。目前领导着一个由30名博士后和研究生组成的科研团队,该团队得到了几项NSERC拨款资助。他培养了很多优秀的博士生和博士后,其中部分学生已经成为加拿大、美国、中国和韩国的教授,以及一些顶尖大学的博士后。由于出色的指导博士生和博士后的经历,他获得了FGSR优秀导师奖和约瑟芬·米切尔优秀指导奖。由于出色的研究工作,他获得了NSERC个人探索奖和一些优秀科研职业奖。他目前是《Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering》的主编、《Journal of Mathematical Biology》、《Bulletin of Mathematical Biology》、《Mathematical Biosciences》和DCDS-B的编委,以及《Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory》的北美主编。