报告题目:Shortest Circuit Cover of 3-Edge-Colorable Cubic Signed Graphs
报 告 人:李佳傲,南开大学
报告摘要:A sign-circuit cover of a signed graph (G, \sigma) is a family of sign-circuits which covers all edges of (G, \sigma).
The shortest sign-circuit cover problem in signed graphs has received many attentions in recent years.
We show that every flow-admissible 3-edge-colorable cubic signed graph (G, \sigma) has a sign-circuit cover with length at most 20/9 |E(G)|.
This together with the Four Color Theorem implies that every flow-admissible bridgeless cubic planar signed graph with m edges has a circuit cover
with length at most 20m/9. This is a joint work with Xinmin Hou and Ronggui Xu.
报告时间:2022年6月18日 15:00-17:00
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:310 874 364