报告题目:Maximal fractional cross-intersecting families
报 告 人:侯新民,中国科学技术大学
报告摘要:Given an irreducible fraction c/d∈[0,1], a pair (A,ℬ) is called a c/d-cross-intersecting pair of 2[n] if A and ℬ are two families of subsets of [n] such that for every pair A ∈Aand B∈ℬ, |A ∩ B|= c/d|B|. Mathew, Ray, and Srivastava [Fractional cross intersecting families, Graphs and Comb., 2019] proved that |A||ℬ|≤ 2n if (A,ℬ) is a c/d-cross-intersecting pair of 2[n] and characterized all the pairs (A,ℬ) with |A||ℬ|= 2n, such a pair also is called a maximal c/d-cross-intersecting pair of 2[n] , when c/d∈{0,1/2, 1}. In this talk, we characterize all the maximal c/d-cross-intersecting pairs (A,ℬ) when 0<c/d<1 and c/d≠1/2. This result answers a question proposed by Mathew, Ray, and Srivastava .
报告时间:2022年6月29日 15:00-17:00
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:872 852 525