报告题目:Effect of sub-logistic source in chemotaxis-only, chemotaxis-haptotaxis and chemotaxis-fluid models
报 告 人:向田,中国人民大学教授
报告摘要:In this talk, we demonstrate the effect of sub-logistic source in 2D minimal chemotaxis-only, chemotaxis-haptotaxis and chemotaxis- fluid models: our boundedness improves known “blow-up prevention by logistic source” to “blow-up prevention by sub-logistic source” in respective cases, indicating standard logistic source is not the weakest damping source to guarantee boundedness, and our stability improves known algebraic convergence under quadratic degradation to exponential convergence under log-correction of quadratic degradation, implying log-correction of quadratic degradation quickens the decay of bounded solutions. Our findings show certain negligiblity of haptotaxis or fluid interaction on chemotaxis in 2D.
报告人简介:向田,2014年5月博士毕业于美国杜兰大学(Tulane University),现为人民大学数学科学研究院/数学学院教授,博士生导师。 研究兴趣为偏微分方程及非线性分析,近年来主要关注趋化交错扩散方程组解的有界性,爆破性以及定性刻画等,已在M3AS, CVPDE, SIAP, JDE等杂志上发表三十余篇论文,被引用400余次(mathscinet);曾获2020年北京市数学竞赛优秀指导老师,研究获得中央高校科研启动基金,人民大学人才培育基金,博士后基金一等,国家自然科学基金青年以及面上基金的资助。