报 告 人:王雷 华北电力大学教授
报告摘要:The nonlinear wave molecules of the Lakshmanan–Porsezian–Daniel (LPD) equation describing the propagation of ultrashort optical pulses through optical fibers and Davydov soliton in α-helical proteins are investigated. Based on the analysis of characteristic lines, the breather molecules consisting of two, three, or even four different breather atoms are derived, and the synthesis modes of molecules by adjusting the values of the phase parameters are generated. The state conversion of the breather molecules is studied and a variety of converted wave molecules are produced. In particular, it is reported that the full conversion of the breather molecules does not exist in the LPD equation. The formation mechanisms of different types of nonlinear wave molecules through the nonlinear superposition are further explored and the influence of higher-order effects on the breather molecules is discussed. Finally, the intricate interactions between the molecules and nonlinear waves are considered. It is found that the distances between atoms in the molecules as well as the shapes of the converted waves change after the interactions, and the essence of such shape-changed interactions is revealed.
报告人简介:王雷,毕业于北航流体力学研究所,英国爱丁堡大学数学系访问学者,华北电力大学教授、博士生导师。近年来主要研究方向为:非线性波的计算与机制分析,人工智能在非线性动力学中的应用,人工智能与不确定性量化分析等。主持国家自然科学基金四项,博士后基金面上和特助两项,中央高校基金三项,相关结果发表在Physica D, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Physical Review E, Chaos, Annals of Physics, Annalen der Physik, Physics of Plasmas, EPL, PLA等重要学术刊物。担任国家自然科学基金评议人,教育部学位中心专业学位水平评估专家以及Nonlinearity, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Journal of Optics, Ocean Engineering等多个学术期刊的评审人。
报告时间:2022年9月30日 16:00-17:00
报告地点:腾讯会议ID:616 683 072
邀 请 人:非线性泛函分析与偏微分方程科研团队