报告题目:On Radon measure solutions to compressible Euler equations: —Newton-Busemann law of hypersonic gas dynamics, piston problem, and Riemann problem
报 告 人:袁海荣 (华东师范大学 数学科学学院)
报告摘要:For stationary hypersonic-limit Euler flows passing a solid body in three-dimensional space, the shock-front coincides with the upwind surface of the body, hence there is an infinite-thin layer of concentrated mass, in which all particles hitting the body move along its upwind surface. By proposing a concept of Radon measure solutions of boundary value problems of the multi-dimensional compressible Euler equations, which incorporates the large-scale of three-dimensional distributions of upcoming hypersonic flows and the small-scale of particles moving on two-dimensional surfaces, we derive the compressible Euler equations for flows in concentration layers, which is a stationary pressureless compressible Euler system with source terms and independent variables on curved surface. As a by-product, we obtain a formula for pressure distribution on surfaces of general obstacles in hypersonic flows, which is a generalization of the classical Newton-Busemann law for drag/lift in hypersonic aerodynamics. We will also review briefly our results on Radon measure solutions of Riemann problem and piston problem for isentropic compressible Euler equations. The talk is based upon joint works with Prof. Aifang Qu and Dr. Yunjuan Jin.